
Dear Democrats Abroad,

It is time for our bi-annual election of international Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) officers.  Note that these are global positions, not at the country level. The Elections Committee is pleased to be calling for nominations of candidates for the following positions:

International Chair

International Vice-Chair

International Treasurer

International Secretary

International Counsel

Here are the requirements:

  • Each international officer is to serve a term of two years, and none may serve for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair must be of different sex and from different Country Committees. Also, no more than two of the officers may be from the same Country Committee at the time of the election.
  • The International Counsel must be a qualified legal practitioner.
  • As called for in the DPCA Charter, the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) is required to forward to the International Chair and other members of the DPCA, in writing (electronic submissions accepted), names of the qualifying individuals nominated by the Elections Committee, at least forty-five (45) days in advance (April 3, 2019) of the scheduled election meeting of the DPCA (May 18, 2019).

Nominations for office may also be made from the floor at the election meeting.

The newly elected officers assume their duties after the election at the meeting in Washington DC.

Please submit nominations via the nomination form by clicking here no later than midnight GMT (8:00 p.m. EDT) on March 27, 2019. Any comments or questions can be sent to the Nominations and Elections Committee at [email protected].

At present, the international officers are:

Chair – Julia Bryan (Czech Republic)*

Vice-Chair – Alex Montgomery (Hong Kong)*

Secretary – Jeffrey Cheng (Sweden)*

Treasurer – Lissette Wright (Canada)*

Counsel – Tom Schmid (Japan)*

*Asterisks indicate officers who are in their first term and are eligible to run again.

Each nomination should contain an affirmation that the nominee is qualified to run for the office in question. That requires a confirmation of the following requirements:

(1) the nominee must be a U.S. citizen (copy of passport will be required);

(2) the nominee must be living abroad;

(3) the nominee must adhere to the principles of the Democratic Party of the United States;

(4) the nominee must be a member of Democrats Abroad.

Each nominee will be asked to complete a questionnaire to provide a detailed candidate profile that will be available on the DA website.

Please direct any questions to [email protected].

Respectfully submitted, on behalf of the DPCA 2019 Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC),

Shari Temple (Germany) - Chair

along with:

Aaron Kruse (China)
Adrianne George (Sweden)
Amber Walsh (Haiti)
Eliot Goldman (France)
Gail Fagen (Italy)
Meredith Wheeler (France)
Suma Shamanna (India)