DPCA Elections 2021: Candidates

The Nominations and Elections committee received 81 nominations for international officer positions before the close of nominations at midnight GMT (8:00 p.m. EDT) on March 23, 2021. These nominations were de-duplicated and vetted; candidates who qualified through the vetting process are listed below. Some candidates are running for multiple positions.

We aim to have all submitted candidate statements and photographs published on the website by April 9, 2021. The elections meeting will take place in the middle of the global annual meeting currently scheduled to take place May 14 -16, 2021.

With the circulation of this candidate list, campaigning may start.

Please be reminded that campaigning (whether by a candidate or surrogate) is considered personal business, and there should be a strict separation between campaigning and Democrats Abroad business. Without obtaining permission of the Global NEC, there should be no commingling of campaigning with Democrats Abroad activities or resources. Candidates and their surrogates must act ethically in line with the code of conduct  and should ensure any campaigning opportunity using Democrats Abroad channels and resources has been sanctioned by the Global NEC The Global NEC takes its responsibility seriously to ensure Democrats Abroad channels are used in a fair and ethical way. For more see our guidance.

The NEC will be offering opportunities for candidate communication. We will also be providing guidelines for DA caucuses or other entities who want to to hold their own “meet the candidates” events.

To obtain permission for such an event, or if you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]

Please find below the candidate list linked to the candidate pages. 
The candidate pages and any candidate links provided reflect the individual, personal views of the candidates and their endorsers. 


International Chair 

Kenneth Alexander (M, Israel, EMEA)

Angela Fobbs (F, Germany, EMEA)

William Hinchberger (M, France, EMEA) (withdrawn - April 3)

Candice Kerestan (F, Germany, EMEA)

Ada Shen (F, France, EMEA)


International Vice-Chair

Kenneth Alexander (M, Israel, EMEA)

Farid Ben Amor (M, Japan after April 7, Switzerland until then, APAC)

Parikshit (Pari) Bhaduri (M, India, APAC) (withdrawn- April 3)

Peter Gallego (M, Spain, EMEA)(has not submitted a candidate statement as of April 9)

Cecil Hill (M, Phillippines, APAC)

William Hinchberger (M, France, EMEA) (withdrawn - April 3)

Anthony Jimos (M, Greece, EMEA) 

Aaron Kruse (M, Singapore, APAC)

David Mustra (M, Ukraine, EMEA)

Art Schankler (M, Serbia, EMEA)


International Secretary

Parikshit (Pari) Bhaduri (M, India, APAC)

Beth (Elizabeth) Landry (Non-Binary, Sweden, EMEA)


International Treasurer

James Chizungu (M, Denmark, EMEA)

Peter Gallego (M, Spain, EMEA) (has not submitted a candidate statement as of April 9)

Quyen Nguyen (F, Colombia, Americas) 



International Legal Counsel

Evan Brandes (M, Australia, APAC)(has not submitted a candidate statement as of April 9)

Andrew Straw (M, Philippines, APAC) (withdrawn - April 12)

Salli Swartz (F, France, EMEA)

Joshua Van der Ploeg (M, United Kingdom, EMEA)

Orlando Vidal (M, United Arab Emirates, EMEA)




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